The Baltic 21 Eco Region Project
E-Mobility NSR
North Sea Region Electric Mobility Network
European Collaborative Innovation Centres for broadband media services
Drifting Apart (forprosjekt)
Drifting apart – discovering the natural history of the North Atlantic 78
Impact of Climate Change on the quality of urban and coastal waters
Developing Regional Woodland Parks
Få interessenter og manglende engasjement i forvaltningen av lokal natur- og kulturarv har hatt en negativ virkning på den offentlige bevisstheten om de økonomiske og samfunnsmessige verdier av slike ressurser.…
Detaljhandel i distriktene
Retailing in Rural Areas.
Dear Food
Developing Artisan Food Processing
Demographic Change: New Opportunities in Shrinking Europe
Developing the Pinus Sylvestris L resource (Developing Scots Pine) The project will engage with Scots Pine supply chain stakeholders and decision makers to improve markets by encouraging new business models as a basis for product development and SME participation.