Baltic Sea Region Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
Useact (Urban Sustainable Environmental Actions) tar sikte på å gjøre det mulig for folk og bedrifter å etablere seg uten forbruk av ytterligere land, takket være ny planlegging og bygging av partnerskap.
Originaltittel: Coastal Environment, Technology and Innovation in the Arctic (CETIA)
Sustainable Food
Prosjektet «Sustainable Food in Urban Communities» er et prosjekt som involverer ti europeiske byer som skal dyrke, levere og nyte mer bærekraftig mat. De leter med andre ord etter felles, effektiv og bærekraftige løsninger for å utvikle lav-karbon og ressurseffektive urbane matsystemer.
Bærekraftige energiløsninger (forprosjekt)
Innsikt i energibruk og økonomisering i Russland
Integrated Approach to Northern Watercourses and their Community Development
North Sea – Spreading Transnational Results
Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe
Northern Maritime Corridor
The Northern Maritime Corridor (NMC) is a project funded by the two INTERREG IIIB programmes, the North Sea Programme and the Northern Periphery Programme. The NMC is the term for a sea based transportation corridor that stretches from Northern Norway and North West Russia to the Continent, connecting the coastal areas of North Sea and the Northern Periphery.
Northern Maritime Corridor
The Northern Maritime Corridor (NMC) is a project funded by the two INTERREG IIIB programmes, the North Sea Programme and the Northern Periphery Programme. The NMC is the term for a sea based transportation corridor that stretches from Northern Norway and North West Russia to the Continent, connecting the coastal areas of North Sea and the Northern Periphery.