Programperiode: Interreg IV

Northern ToSIA

@K:Assessing Sustainability of Forest-based Activities in Rural Areas of the Northern Periphery@T: This project will investigate options for improving the sustainable use of forest resources in selected regions of the NPP area using an innovative sustainability impact assessment tool (ToSIA) and applying it in regional development and business from two perspectives: First, public bodies engaged in regional development strategies will employ the tool in a multi-stakeholder setting to explore better sustainable development scenarios in the region.


Sustainable Aquaculture of Arctic Charr


Northern Maritime University


Cluster for Accelerator Technology

Brukerstyrt omsorgsteknologi

Den voksende omsorgssektoren vil i framtiden ha stort behov for innovasjon og nyskapende løsninger. Dette gjelder både for tjenester og teknologi. Dette forprosjektet skal gi økt kunnskap om ulike løsninger…

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