Tema: Bærekraftig transport (2014-2020)


Sustainable transport in the Barents Region.


Sustainable and Efficient Air Transport – Platform for Linked Analysis of the North Sea Air Transport Environment.

Safety at Sea

The overall aim of the project is to enhance maritime safety in the Northern Periphery. The project will engage in five strands of work related to enhancing maritime safety in the Northern Periphery:


Interactive and innovative road management of low traffic volume roads through an technical information exchange across the Northern Periphery.

Remarcc II

Network of Regional MARitime Competence Centres – A Regional Maritime Strategy for Promoting Intermodal Transport, ICT and Network Opportunities within the North Sea Region


Useact (Urban Sustainable Environmental Actions) tar sikte på å gjøre det mulig for folk og bedrifter å etablere seg uten forbruk av ytterligere land, takket være ny planlegging og bygging av partnerskap.

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