Fylke: Troms og Finnmark


Sustainable Autonomous Material Handling – SAMHand Det grønne skiftet innebærer at de fleste næringer må gjennom en omstilling til mer bærekraftige produkter og tjenester som gir et mindre negative konsekvenser…

Boost Nordic Biogas (BNB)

The biogas system involves many parts of society and can contribute to sustainable waste management, sustainable food production, local cycles of nutrients, circular economy, resource efficiency, security of supply in…

Preparatory DigiÁrran

In this preparatory project the main project – DigiÁrran – is created. In this preparatory project, international partners are searched and ensured for, negotiations on partnerships are conducted and agreements…


Harvesting Energy for Data Acquisition and Transfer (HE4T) Northern Scandinavia is sparsely populated and distances are long between cities and villages as well as individual people. The natural conditions are…


Implementation of DeD AM in future manufacturing (IDiD) The main focus of IDiD (Implementation of DeD AM in future manufacturing) is to promote the use of Direct Energy Deposition (DeD)…

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