Structure for Commercialisation of Rural Innovation
This innovative project aims to exchange skills and experience between research institutions, academia and the public and private sectors in order to create a more dynamic use of the skills which are used for the sustainable exploitation of innovative ideas.
Impregnation of timber is one of the biggest sources of heavy metal pollution in Europe. SIBLARCH aims to develop Siberian larch as an environmentally sound alternative to impregnated timber in the Northern Periphery.
SCRI In Action
The main objectives of the project are, within rural peripheral regions, to: • Build on the successful work developed in the original SCRI project • Make practical use of knowledge gained from the SCRI project • Put the acquired transnational theory into practice • Demonstrate a new integrated approach to successfully develop and work with micro and SMEs • Develop a new financial support mechanism for business start-ups • Relate back to findings in the SCRI project, and integrate any new understanding • “Hand hold” the participating micro/SMEs throughout the process, taking a “hands on” approach • Increase the competence of the micro/SMEs as well as the participating partner organisations • Increase the number of successful businesses in the region.
Rock Art in Northern Europe
Promotion of natural stone industry in the northern areas
Interprise Barents 2006
Prosjektet gjennomfører for og etterarbeid i forbindelse med en bedriftsmøteplass i Arkhangelsk i 2006 innen olje- og gassindustrien, med svensk hovedsøker.
Interprise 2004
Prosjektet gjennomfører for- og etterarbeid i forbindelse med et «partnersøk» mellom foretak fra Norge og Russland våren 2004.
Innovation Nord
Innovation Nord är ett utvecklingsprogram med målsättningen att främja företagens innovationskraft genom kompetensutveckling, teknologiutveckling och internationalisering. Projektet syftar till att förmedla en strukturerad syn på innovation i företagen.Ett delmål är att samverkan mellan näringsliv och universitet får en ökad spridning.
Inlandsoppdrett i Midt-Norge og Jämtland-Slutetapp 3
Tradisjonell fiskoppdrett har store problemer med sykdommer, forurensing og energiforbruk.
Prosjektet skal bistå unge gründere med å utvikle sine innovative forretningsideer, og etablere et regionalt system for gründerhjelp i Barentsregionen.