Strategic Development and cooperation between Airport Regions
Vital Rural Area
SOROS – Scandinavian Ocean Radar Observing System
Prosjektet handler om å samarbeide om, og forberede en framtidig installasjon av høyfrekvent kystradar.
Best Practice in Managing Regional Managements
TransBaltic Extension
Utvidet prosjekt.
Towards an integrated transport system in the Baltic Sea Region
INTER GET UP – an interregional approach for the stimulation of techology-oriented start-ups in Europe
Skandinaviske metoder for innovativ læring (Europa) Prosjektets originaltittel: Skandinaviska Metoder för Innovativt Lärande (Europa)
Trans in Form (TiF)
Transforming rural regions by launching scenarios, new narratives and attractive urban design. The project mission is to introduce competitive development concepts for rural regions and smaller towns and cities. The Leipzig Charter gives direction for redesigning regions identity. Face lifting of public spaces is one important aspect. TiF will accompany this by the creation of scenarios and New Narratives, and the elaboration of planning tools that take into consideration that ordinary citizens, SME’s and NGO’s are important planning partners when dealing with attractiveness. New Narrative originates from change and are the drivers of change. Once born, they define society and identity, because they are the cumulative repositories of ideas.
EUROPean SAlmon Tour