The project will consider three themes connected to rural development; lack of economic development and innovations, negative or insufficient exposure of regions and downsizing in level of services and amenities.
4 – Promoting Sustainable and Competitive Communities
Area of Intervention
4.1 Tackling the needs of areas in decline
Using a co-operative approach the project partners will work together on a number of pilot initiatives to consider these issues in a transnational setting. The end result of the project will be a Rural Power Pack, which will be disseminated and communicated at an EU level. The project will be supported by a scientific support group.
Norsk prosjekteier
Rogaland fylkeskommune
01.01.2009 - 30.06.2013Budsjett
Total: 7 700 000 €
Prosjektnettside partnere
Province of Fryslân
Municipality of Sluis
Friese Poort Bedrijfsopleidingen
Streekplatform & Meetjesland
Intercommunale Leiedal
Province of West Flanders
Norfolk County Council
Stadt Langenhagen
Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig Holstein GmbH
Vejen Kommune
Finnoy Kommune