Multi-level Governance in MSP (Maritime Spatial Planning) throughout the Baltic Sea Region
Parks & Benefits
Parks & Benefits – Generating socio-economic effects by a sustainable management of protected areas for the benefit of their regions. Parks & Benefits results from an initiative of protected areas in BSR who share the conviction that the protection of the natural heritage must involve a sustainable management of the natural resources. Mobilizing economic instruments for protection purposes shall benefit both the protected area and the surrounding region contributing to their socio-economic development. Priority: 4. Attractive & competitive cities and regions
North East Cargo Link II
More Baltic Biogas Bus
Utvidet prosjekt fra Baltic Biogas Bus.
MIN-NOVATION Mining and Mineral Processing Waste Management Innovation Network
Joint SME Finance for Innovation
ICT for Health
Strengthening social capacities for the utilisation of eHealth technologies in the framework of ageing population
Intercountry Business Incubators’ Network
First Motion
FIRST MOTION – driving BSR regional development by innovating the high-skill growth sector «creative/AV industry» (FM)
Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea