SCANDRIA contributes to efficient transport and logistic solutions as described in the Action Plan for the EU Baltic Sea Strategy linking «the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic through a corridor involving transport infrastructures and growth and innovation poles». Reaching from the Nordic Triangle via the Öresund region, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to the capital region Berlin-Brandenburg it complements North-South and East-West transport links as developed within the twin project SoNorA for the Central European space.

In the corridor described, SCANDRIA will reduce travel times between major cities, establish efficient and multimodal logistic chains and upgrade the attractiveness of the corridor regions for industries and services. Main objective is to increase the infrastructural efficiency for passengers and freight and to improve the accessibility of regional economic potentials. By activating new value-added chains innovative, process-optimised logistic solutions shall be developed.

The corridor is the shortest connection between the Baltic Sea Region and the Adriatic region. The potentials have not yet been used completely due to a historically caused cultural, economic and political heterogeneity. SCANDRIA shall push forward European cohesion by infrastructural, regional-economic and political measures.

SCANDRIA will develop goods and passenger flows via efficient intermodal nodes and modern rail rsp. road networks to meet increased demands of a “Green Transport Corridor”.

The project concentrates on three thematic work packages:

  1. Quality of transport infrastructures (WP 3)
  2. Innovative logistic solutions (WP 4)
  3. Common strategy of corridor functionality (WP 5, supported by WP 2)

Norsk prosjekteier

Transportøkonomisk institutt


10.06.2009 - 09.09.2012


Norsk bidrag: 152800 Kjell

Total: 3 773 500 €

Andre partnere

Ministry for Transport, Building and Regional Development Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development
Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Women’s Issues
University of Applied Sciences Wildau
City of Neuruppin
Rostock port
Region Seeland
Roskilde University
Oresund Logistics / OSR / Oresund University
Swedish Road Administration, Skåne Region
Region Skane
Region Halland – Halland Regional Development Council
City of Gothenburg
City of Malmö
Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm
Halmstad Port and Stevedoring Company
Jyväskylä Regional Development Company Jykes Ltd.