Program: Østersjøprogrammet

Baltic Cruise Project 2004 – 2007

Cruise Baltic is a close cooperation between 10 countries, 16 destinations and 28 partners – in the Baltic Sea Region. Our aim is to integrate the region?s international cruise tourism industry by exchange of knowledge and information. Through Cruise Baltic, all the participating countries are able to offer the same service, high standards and full integration between ports and cities for cruise lines that want to discover the unique possibilities of the Baltic Sea Region.

Ancient Times

Ancient Times in the BSR: integrated concepts for edutainment and sustainable tourism by using cultural heritage sites.

Advantage Hardwood

The project «Avantage Hardwood – tools for integrated regional and business development» takes its departure in some problems and challenges shared by the BSR countries.


Towards an integrated transport system in the Baltic Sea Region

Trans in Form (TiF)

Transforming rural regions by launching scenarios, new narratives and attractive urban design. The project mission is to introduce competitive development concepts for rural regions and smaller towns and cities. The Leipzig Charter gives direction for redesigning regions identity. Face lifting of public spaces is one important aspect. TiF will accompany this by the creation of scenarios and New Narratives, and the elaboration of planning tools that take into consideration that ordinary citizens, SME’s and NGO’s are important planning partners when dealing with attractiveness. New Narrative originates from change and are the drivers of change. Once born, they define society and identity, because they are the cumulative repositories of ideas.


Project title: Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources


The Strategic Project on Trans-national Commercial Activities in Research & Innovation, Clusters and in SME-Networks


Scandinavian-Adriatic Corridor for Growth and Innovation


Prosjektet Quick-IGA (Innovative SMEs by Gender and Age) fokuserer på rekrutterings- og vekstutfordringene for europeiske håndverksbedrifter. Prosjektet følger opp det tidligere BSR-QUICK-prosjektet, og seks av partnerne fra dette prosjektet er med videre i tillegg til sju nye partnere.

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