Tema: Annet (2014-2020)


The Strategic Project on Trans-national Commercial Activities in Research & Innovation, Clusters and in SME-Networks

ScandTick Innovation (forprosjekt)

I det pågående hovedprosjektet ScandTick har framskritt blitt gjort med å kartlegga spredning, utvikle diagnostikk og kommunisere risikoanalyser til allmenheten vedrørende de flåttbårne infeksjonene borrelia og flåttbåret encefalit (TBE). I…

KNOT – Culture, Nature and Tourism network

KNOT is intended as a network operation of Interreg projects (completed and on going) working with linking and accessing cultural and natural heritage, and the inclusion of these assets in sustainable tourism development.

Smart Cities (01.09.2008)

Smart Cities aims to create an innovation network between governments and academia in six countries to promote excellence in the domain of e-services (development and take-up) in order to set a new standard for e-service delivery in the whole NSR. Priority 1 – Building on our Capacity for Innovation Area of Intervention 1.2 Building the transnational dimension of clusters and research and innovation networks


Facilitating Incubator Networking and Exchanges of Services for Small Enterprise.


Originaltittel: Regional nöt- och lammköttsproduktion.

Rekreativa rutter

Stora delar av Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak-regionen utgörs av kustområden där de flesta mindre orter präglas av befolkningsminskning och tillbakagång. Då dessa områden blir alltmer beroende av turism är det viktigt att öka möjligheterna till helårsturism då man tar fram nya turistprodukter.

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