Barents veikommunikasjon (forprosjekt)
Utvikle pedagogisk plattform for infoutveksling trafikksikkerhet
Barents mediasfære
Originaltittel: Barents Mediasphere
Barents Journal
Prosjektet skal utvikle en internasjonal vitenskapelig publisering; the Barents Journal: Peoples, Economies and Politics. Ideen om tidsskriftet er å bidra med vitenskapelig kunnskap og nyeste forskningsnyheter relatert til utviklingsprosesser innenfor Barentsregionen, samt sosio-økonomisk, politisk, miljømessig utvikling utenfor og innenfor programområdet.
Barents Freeway
Originaltittel: The Barents Freeway
NS Rural
North Sea Rural Development Project
Integrated Approach to Northern Watercourses and their Community Development
Northern Potential
The partners will develop quality Knowledge Bases, a transnational discussion forum and personalised communication tools on the Internet. Knowledge Base content includes regional statistics, economic analyses, news and address registers with links to partner’s, Northern Periphery, EU and national government websites.
Originaltittel: Nordic-Baltic Dialogues on Transnational Perspectives in Spatial Planning (NORBA)
Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe
Northern Maritime Corridor
The Northern Maritime Corridor (NMC) is a project funded by the two INTERREG IIIB programmes, the North Sea Programme and the Northern Periphery Programme. The NMC is the term for a sea based transportation corridor that stretches from Northern Norway and North West Russia to the Continent, connecting the coastal areas of North Sea and the Northern Periphery.