Waterways for Growth


4 – Promoting Sustainable and Competitive Communities

Area of Intervention

4.2 Promoting sustainable growth solutions for expanding areas


The aim of the project is to develop a transnational framework to coordinate the sustainable development of inland waterways at national, regional and local levels throughout the NSR.
The Framework will focus on 3 key areas of activity – (1) business & product development; (2) waterway regeneration; (3) sustainable management of the waterway resource, in terms of the natural environment, sustainable transport & built heritage. The development of the Framework will be supported by means of a series of practical measures and pilot actions to further the economic & sustainable development. Evaluation of the pilot actions will contribute to development of the Framework and lead to further practical actions for taking the sustainable development of inland waterways forward and suggest priorities for future funding and investment in the sector.

Expected Outcomes

  • A framework for the sustainable development of inland waterways;
  • New and expanded businesses based on waterways;
  • A common approach to regenerate historic waterways;
  • Extension of the network of recreational waterways;
  • New approaches to further develop the sustainable development of waterways.

Norsk prosjekteier

Telemark fylkeskommune


01.01.2009 - 31.12.2012


Total: 3 440 836 €

Andre partnere

British Waterways
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Lansstyrelsen Varmland
City of Karlstad
Forshaga Municipality
Grums Municipality
Hammarö Municipality
Kils Municipality
BIS Bremerhaven Touristik
Gemeente Emmen
Gemeente Langedijk
Stichting Recreatietoer-vaart Nederland
Toerisme Scheldeland