SAWA strives to strengthen the member states for their current implementation of the EU Flood Directive (FD) by developing a transnational implementation strategy. The aim is to adapt existing water management systems to the effects of extreme flood events due to climate change, focusing on sustainable development of society and regional economies.


2 – Promoting the Sustainable Management of our Environment

Area of Intervention

2.3 Adapting to and reducing risks posed to society and nature by a changing climate

Based on case studies and pilot implementations SAWA will test the new and innovative strategies in Flood Risk Management around the North Sea. The project integrates local, regional and national stakeholders, university and vocational training students, thus the project includes a broad capacity building process incorporating information, education and qualification.

Expected Outcomes

  • Centres for education towards sustainable flood risk management around the North Sea,
  • Adaptive strategy for implementation of Flood Risk Management Plans in the NSR,
  • Decision support database for flood protection measures in the NSR,
  • MSc/postgraduate course on flood risk management,
  • Cost-benefit analyses of measures in relation to adaptive planning strategies to optimize the implementation of Flood Risk Management Plans and River Basin Management Plans.

Norsk prosjekteier

Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat


01.06.2008 - 31.12.2011


Total: 8 160 000 €

Andre partnere

Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Agency for Roads, Bridges and Water Hamburg (LSBG)
TU Hamburg-Harburg
HafenCity Universität Hamburg (HCU)
LEUPHANA Universität Lüneburg Fakultät Umwelt und Technik Campus Suderburg
Agriculture Chamber of Lower Saxony
Province of Flevoland
Waterschap Zuiderzeeland ZZL
Waterschap Hunze en Aa’s HEA
Waterschap Noorderzijlvest NZV
Waterboard of Delfland
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Melhus Municipality
Norwegian Meteorological Institute
County Administrative Board of Värmland
SMHI (the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute)
County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland
Karlstad University
Swedish Geotechnical Institute
City of Karlstad
Heriot-Watt University Sustainable Water Management Research Group, School of the Build Environment
Institute for Infrastructure and Environment, School of Engineering and Electronics, The University of Edinburgh