NSSP seeks to tap the potential of the creative industries (i.e. the film industry) to promote innovation and growth in the NSR and increase the region’s competitiveness in a global context.


1 – Building on our Capacity for Innovation

Area of Intervention

1.2 Building the transnational dimension of clusters and research and innovation networks

Transnational cooperation is concentrated on common challenges, such as marketing, financing and SME support is proposed to tackle issues such as fragmented national markets inhibiting critical mass creation (developing economies of scale), lack of coherence and coordination of actors and actions across the NSR, and loss of talents in more peripheral areas.

Expected Outcomes

  • Visual Effects Research Network (VERN) research centre for the North Sea region,
  • Master classes in media/production,
  • Business Development Platform for NSR film/TV/media companies,
  • Transnational Screen Office Network, Locations Service Database,
  • Media Cluster Mapping to attract inward investment,
  • Database on educational resources, Work and training exchange scheme.

Norsk prosjekteier

Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen


01.10.2008 - 30.09.2011


Total: 5 910 474 €

Andre partnere

Screen east
University of Dundee
Dundee College
Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen/Bergen National Academy of Arts
FilmFyn A/S
Tietgen Business College
Filmby Aarhus
Roskilde University
nordmedia Fonds GmbH
Rotterdam Film Commission
Västra Götalandsregionen