First Motion

FIRST MOTION (FM) aims at improving the business environment susceptible for innovation and to overcome the weakness of insufficient use of innovation potential and low intensity of joint efforts in the BSR. Building upon the strengths of the BSR, the innovative potential of Baltic SMES in creative industries, IT and culture FM takes advantage on exiting opportunities, makes use of the vast innovation potential of the E-BSR and the formation processes of new competitive cluster in creative industries to define new innovative approaches in the AV media industry for the BSR to become a recognized player in the emerging markets of digital media. “Creative industries”, are an industry with over-proportional growth and high economic potential, which is right now subject to massive changes. Marked by a high concentration of SMEs (Small and Medium sized enterprises) the industry actors are in many cases unable to build up and expand necessary innovation due to their size and fragmented and small domestic markets.

FM combines the four relevant domains

  • industry capacity building/market development (WP3);
  • institutional capacity building/policy development (WP4);
  • cluster/regional development (WP5);
  • education and training (WP6)

in one holistic project in order to start effective developments in the concerned areas. The project is structured as a Triple-Helix (University, Industry, and Government) to ensure solutions of high practical relevance and their implementation. The close bond of the industry to all work packages ensures hands-on solutions to relevant problems and their efficient dissemination.

Norsk prosjekteier

Universitetet i Agder


17.09.2009 - 16.12.2012


Norsk bidrag: 2 456 993 Kjell

Total: 3 025 070 €

Andre partnere

Tallinn University Baltic Film and Media School (BFM)
Estonian Film Foundation (EFF)
Filmby Aarhus (FA)
The Alexandra Institute Ltd.
Innovation Center – High-Tech Accelerator The University of Lodz Foundation
Lodz City Council (LCC)
Boost Hbg
University of Agder