There is a clear recognition in the EU that manufacturing globally is undergoing rapid changes. As low cost economies extend their manufacturing capacity, competition for European manufacturers escalates.
The aim of the project is to increase the innovative capacity and competitiveness of the manufacturing industry in the North Sea area, especially SMEs, to enable them to compete globally.

Main Objectives:

  • Create a transnational implementation framework capable of boosting the application of innovative productivity techniques and practices (e.g. lean/agile best practice) by SMEs in the NSR
  • Increase the competitiveness of NSR manufacturing against global competition by tackling the ‘productivity gap’ by supporting the long-term retention of high-value manufacturing employment
  • Stimulate & develop new SME knowledge transfer to ensure tools and techniques are embedded in company structures and culture
  • Joint testing & implementation of a lean change methodology across the triple helix partnership structure of ERIP via WP 2-6 to deliver a final common transferable NSR product

Norsk prosjekteier



01.06.2008 - 30.06.2011


Norsk bidrag: 318 735 Kjell

Total: 3 281 248 €


Andre partnere

UK: Newcastle University Business School
Germany: University of Applied Science Osnabruck, Lingen
Netherlands: N.V.NOM
Germany: Hanseatic Parliament
Belgium: Ghent University
Sweden: Swerea IVF AB