The DiPol project has the aim of identifying impacts and suggesting measures to reduce the adverse consequences of climate change that affect the quality of urban and coastal waters.
A programme tool, (SIMACLIM) that illustrates the impacts of climate changes on water quality will be developed and implemented within the DiPol project. By introducing the results into the level of European policy making, a long term impact on the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy is expected.
2 – Promoting the Sustainable Management of our Environment
Area of Intervention
2.3 Adapting to and reducing risks posed to society and nature by a changing climate
DiPol aims to collect knowledge on the impact of climate change (CC) on water quality, to communicate and raise awareness towards this knowledge, to improve the ability of decision makers to counteract these impacts on local and international level, and to facilitate public participation herein.
SIMACLIM, as a tool developed within the DiPol project, will illustrate these complex environmental processes and simulate different scenarios, which can aim at certain societal goals.
On international level, DiPol partners will present SIMACLIM to working groups from OSPAR, WFD, ICES, TWSC and HELCOM to communicate CC impacts on water quality and thus implement DiPol results in monitoring programs to prevent deterioration of transnational coastal water bodies.
On local level, SIMACLIM and the WEB-based knowledge platform will make complex data available in a way that enables decision makers to choose cost-effective, adaptive measures to counteract climate change impacts on water quality using scenarios that address either legislative, societal, environmental or economic concerns.
Sustainable adaptive management of the triangle urban-river-coast requires information, participation, and acceptance of the public when planning measures. Specifically the young generation will be addressed by a documentary film, explaining from other pupils’ perspectives the interconnectivity of CC, water quality and society.
Expected Outcomes
– Development and implementation of a demonstration and evaluation tool: SIMACLIM through specialized working groups on: Atmospheric pollutants, pathogenic bacteria, dissolved substances, particle bound substances, NSR coastal transport;
– Development of demonstration scenarios;
– Establishment of a WEB based knowledge platform on the basis of four case studies
Norsk prosjekteier
Norges Geotekniske Institutt
01.01.2009 - 31.12.2011Budsjett
Total: 4 142 780 €
Prosjektnettside partnere
Elvebakken videregående skole
Klima og forurensingsdirektoratet
Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt (BSU)
FH Lübeck
Vrije Universiteit (VU-IVM)
Statens geotekniska institut (SGI)
University of Gothenburg
Albertslund Municipality
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
University of Copenhagen