Creative industries (CI), having a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property, form an integral part of the knowledge economy (Interreg IV C Operational Programme). Through exchanging experience and good practices, this project aims to strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of public support to unlock and support the economic potential of the creative economy. In particular, 5 policy areas are addressed within the project:
- Structure of public support for CI
- Business capacity and internationalisation of CI
- Space and creative city districts
- Funding for creative businesses
- Demand for CI products and services
1: Innovation and the knowledge economy
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
The partnership of the project is constituted by municipalities and development agencies of 11 metropolitan cities of Europe – Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Birmingham, Helsinki, Oslo, Riga, Stockholm, Tallinn, Vilnius and Warsaw – which play a central role in the economies of their regions and countries.
The project is organised into 3 components. In addition to management activities (Component 1), Component 2 contains information and dissemination activities linked to the key events and deliverables of the project (website, newsletter, press releases, publications) as well as dissemination events.
Core activities are clustered into Component 3: identification and analysis of good practices that feed into the exchange of experience, which will take place in the form of joint events and partner-to-partner study visits. Some cities will integrate the learned experience into strategies that along with the individual study visit results and discussions of policy implications will be presented at a final joint event. For the benefit of cities outside project partnership, the experience gathered within the project will be summarised into a Portfolio of Good Practices.
Project outputs include a consolidated mapping report of creative industries in the participating cities, 3 joint experience exchange events and 22 partner-to-partner study visits, 6 local strategies for structuring public support and 6 strategies for developing of creative city districts.
Norsk prosjekteier
Oslo Teknopol IKS
01.10.2008 - 30.09.2011Budsjett
Norsk bidrag: 2362197 Kjell
Total: 2442176 €
Andre partnere
City of Helsinki
Tallinn City Government
Vilnius City Municipal Government Administration
Hägersten-Liljeholmen City District Council
City of Warsaw
Birmingham City University
Amsterdam Innovation Motor
Barcelona Activa, S.A.
Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Women’s Issues (Germany)