Bioenergy Promotion

The organisations participating are key actors in their areas in order to facilitate the outputs considered in the project – from all countries + Belarus and Russia. The project will serve as the major BSR wide platform for cross-sectoral and transnational networking to facilitate information and knowledge exchange, coordinated policy development and design and application of bio-energy promoting instruments, as well as regional development. This will be facilitated by:
(1) Policy development will be brought forward by cross-sectoral and transnational networking of key players and integration of the results from the analyses and pilot cases. In this is also included BSR wide data collection, analyses and indicator development that would contribute to, amongst others, the development and/or implementation of national and regional Biomass Action Plans.
(2) The sub-regional development dimension of increased bio-energy supplies, production and use (including trade possibilities) will be assessed and highlighted by bringing the experience of demonstration cases and areas throughout the BSR. Information dissemination actions will be included to ensure regional collaboration cross-nationally.
(3) Business development will be highlighted and used as a tool for reaching national/regional/EU policy and objectives. Best practices for sustainable economies will be collected and project facilitation looked upon.
The ultimate aim of this work will incorporate investment speed enhancement and technology transfer through market actor (especially technology providers) collaboration. Information dissemination actions will be included to ensure meetings between market actors making business co-operation possible.
(4) BSR and EU wide dissemination of information will be enhanced by the creation of a major BSR bio-energy web-portal and organisation of dissemination events via a wide range of bio-energy networks. Ministries as well as Bioenergy Associations around the BSR support the project, somthing that strongly visualise the importance of the project and enhance the transferability of results. Key ouputs are: – Policy guidelines for sustainable biomass strategy development in the BSR (covering nBAP/RES Action Plans), – Sub-regional strategic management plans, – BSR portal on bioenergy, including database and Virtual Project/Business Brokerage Platform, – Feasibility studies for plant investments.

Norsk prosjekteier

Norsk institutt for skog og landskap


25.10.2008 - 24.01.2012


Norsk bidrag: 3 504 827 Kjell

Total: 5 304 620 €

Andre partnere

Jämtland county Institute for Rural Development
Swedish Forest Agency
Swedish board of Agriculture
Region of Västra Götaland
Energy Farm – Centre for Bioenergy in Norway
Chamber of Agriculture, Lower Saxony
Agency for Renewable Resources
County of Nordwestmecklenburg
IHK Potsdam
University of Rostock, Board of renewable energies/ Baltic 21
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety
Institute of Food and Ressource Economics
Region of Zealand, Nature and Environment
University of Roskilde
Motiva Oy
University of Joensuu
Forestry Development Centre Tapio
Foundation Private Forest Centre
Tallinn University of Technology
National Bioenergy Union
Russian-Swedish Bioenergy Information and Training Center
Latvian State Forestry Research Institute “Silava”
Vides projekti
Latvia University of Agriculture, Institute of Agricultural Energetics
Environmental Centre for Administration and Technology
Lithuanian Energy Institute
Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture
Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery – Baltic Eco-Energy Cluster
Koszalin University of Technology
University of Gdansk, Pomeranian Centre f. Environmental Research and Technology
Volkovisk Forestry Enterprise
Ministry of Forestry, Belarus