NSP – Future
The Role of North Sea Ports and Future Challenges in Maritime Logistics (initiated by the Network of REgional MARitime Competence Centres – REMARCC).
NS Rural
North Sea Rural Development Project
Northern Maritime Corridor
The Northern Maritime Corridor (NMC) is a project funded by the two INTERREG IIIB programmes, the North Sea Programme and the Northern Periphery Programme. The NMC is the term for a sea based transportation corridor that stretches from Northern Norway and North West Russia to the Continent, connecting the coastal areas of North Sea and the Northern Periphery.
Nordic Transportpolitical Network – NTN II
The project aims to continue the efforts made under the IIC project to promote a transport corridor from southern Norway and western Sweden through Jutland and northern Germany down to central Europe.
NOrth Sea regional and Local IMPlementation of the Water Framework Directive.
Motorway of the Northern Seas
Nave Nortrail
The North Sea Coastal Path.
Mobility and National Parks.
Making Waste Work
North Sea Sustainable Waste Management Project.
Liveable City
Prosjektet skal utvikle en integrert tilnærmingsmåte til hvordan man kan opprettholde gode levevilkår for befolkningen i urbane, historiske bysentra.