Grenseløs fisketurisme
Originaltittel: Gränslös fisketurism
Grecor (Green Corridor in the North Sea Region).
ELiA: Anerkjennelse for realkompetanse
Erkännande av Lärande i Arbetet (ELiA)
Fundamentering i permafrost
The effects of global warming on manmade structures in northern regions: Foundations in permafrost areas
ELiA 2
Originaltittel: Erkännande av Lärande i Arbetet
Food Port
Connecting Food Port Regions – Between and Beyond
First Motion
FIRST MOTION – driving BSR regional development by innovating the high-skill growth sector «creative/AV industry» (FM)
European Regions for Innovative Productivity
BlueGreen Coastal Energy Community
Economusées Northern Europe