Programperiode: Interreg III

North Cod

Sustainable Development of Cod Farming.

Nordic Transportpolitical Network – NTN II

The project aims to continue the efforts made under the IIC project to promote a transport corridor from southern Norway and western Sweden through Jutland and northern Germany down to central Europe.


NOrth Sea regional and Local IMPlementation of the Water Framework Directive.


Northern Coastal Experience


Motorway of the Northern Seas


North East Cargo Link.

Nature Based Tourism

Nature based tourism is a new tourism sector which has experienced significant growth in recent years. It is defined as tourism which uses nature as a basis for the product, and connecting with nature is the main attraction for visitors. Nature-based tourism offers significant opportunities, especially for Northern Periphery areas, and can support both conservation and employment across the region. However, development in this sector must be managed in the correct manner, in order to ensure that growth does not hamper the essence of the product.

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