Maritime Tourism Marketing in the BSR
Innovation Circle
The IC is a follow-up activity of another INTERREG IIIB project entitled ?PIPE? which ended on 30 September 2004.
ICT for SMEs
Regional Strategies and Solutions to Enhance ICT-Access and Use for SMEs
Prosjektet skal bidra til å styrke regionale og lokale handlingsplaner for innovasjons- og kunnskapsbasert næringsutvikling.
Smart strategies to create innovation-based jobs in regions of Europe
Female Entrepreneurs
FEM: Female Entrepreneurs Meetings in the BSR.
Farmers for Nature
External Timber Cladding in Maritime Conditions
The project will develop new knowledge and share best practice in the design, construction and maintenance of external timber cladding in the north and west of Scotland, western Norway, and the Faroes.
Eco House North
Recent research has shown that there will be an increasing demand for ecological wooden houses in the future. This is due to an increased awareness about environmental matters, and stricter environmental legislation and requirements of buildings, for example in energy saving. Changes in the population structure and way of living also necessitate the development of new kinds of settlements and house types that are flexible and easy to modify for customers’ varying needs and expectations.
Destination Viking – Baltic Sea