The project started on 1st January 2005. The following results were achieved in the first six months: building of head office for services was completed and has been able to work fully since 1st April 2005 building of control group and working organisation including the appointments of 8 working and advisory groups was completed, groups have taken up their work co-ordination of details of goals and steps with all project partners and differentiated planning of work were finished Additional members and further co-operation partners have already been acquired There is a draft for a first curriculum for a dual BA course of studies, accrediting has been taken up non-profit private limited company was founded as institution of the BA course of studies in Northern Germany by project partners tests and negotiations for a further place of study in Gdansk, Poland, have been taken up and co-operation with the Technical University of Gdansk has been initiated draft for register of companies and management of quality have been developed and co-ordinated basic concepts for export seminar are prepared public relations was taken up, a first TV broadcast was televised, first press releases and press publications were issued great commitment of project partners with high participation on a broad basis of confidence productive co-operation with BBDN-project together with other projects in the Baltic area was begun and suitable contract of co-operation was signed.
Norsk prosjekteier
Håndverkbedriftenes landsforening
01.01.2005 - 31.12.2007Budsjett
Norsk bidrag: 206000 Kjell
Total: 3208559 €