CAMINO forener økonomisk vekst (Europe2020) med klimatilpasning. Prosjektet bygger på resultatene fra MARE, SKINT, SAWA (NSR), FRC (NWE) og BaltCica (BSR), og skal bidra til å utvikle innovative styringsstrukturer og bedriftsløsninger for klimatilpasning på lokalt nivå. Det skal etableres 10 lokale piloter som skal utvikle og spre transnasjonale fremtidperspektiver for nyskapende, bærekraftig vekst i nordsjøregionen.
Cradle to Cradle Islands
Bygg i grenseregionen – et felles marked for arbeid og utdanning
BSR TransGovernance
MLG support to the implementation of PA 11 in the EU Baltic Sea Strategy
Qualification, Innovation, Cooperation and Keybusiness for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region
BSR InnoShip
Baltic Sea cooperation for reducing ship and port emissions through knowledge and innovation-based competitiveness
BSHR HealthPort
Baltic Sea Health Region – Business acceleration support and training bridging innovative SMEs and health care organisations to strengthen BSR health economy.
Bringing Land and Sea Together
Bygg- og anleggskompetanse i Indre Skandinavia
Bygg- och anläggningskompetens i Inre Skandinavien
Bioenergy Promotion
There are two key issues for the region: A) there are huge biomaterial resources and only a fraction utilised so far and B) there is an increasing interest for the resources, and as they are (after all) limited, the use has to be sustainable and the competition between the use for Food, Fibre and Fuel has to be balanced. The project aims at strengthening the development towards a sustainable, competitive and territorially integrated Baltic Sea Region in the field of sustainable use of bio-energy. BSR Priority: 4. Attractive & competitive cities and regions