NPA – Norsk partnermøte

All Norwegian partners are invited to the national partners meeting in Mo i Rana on 22nd November 2023, between 12:00 - 17:00. More information will come in due time, in case of any questions please contact Norwegian RCP, Linn-Marie Pedersen ( The day after, on 23rd November, Nord Norway, Nordland County Council and Troms and…

NPA: Nordnorske Europadager

Nordnorske Europadager 2023 Årets Nordnorske Europadager vil bestå av tre begivenhetsrike dager som skal fokusere på framtida i nord, skape engasjement og heve kunnskapsnivået med en europeisk rød tråd gjennom det hele. Det vil være ulike workshops, seminarer og debatter med mål om å gi faglig påfyll om EU og skape engasjement og interesse for…


Rotterdam, the Netherlands

North Sea Conference 2023 The main conference will start with a welcome dinner on 29 November and be followed by study visits and a plenary session on 30 November. In connection to the conference, The North Sea Commission and Straits Committee will also hold different events on the 29 November, including their Executive Committee meetings. The…

Aurora: Småskala prosjekter

Small-scale projects From December 2023, open and upcoming calls for small-scale projects will be announced on this webpage as well as social media well in advance of the deadline. Calls for small-scale projects will be open twice during 2024. Unless otherwise announced, the small-scale project call is open for all priorities. Small-scale projects will be…

ØKS – Utlysning 2024:1

Fra 12. januar til 8. februar 2024 tar Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak i mot søknader om å drive hovedprosjekter.

Sverige-Norge – Åpen utlysning

Har du en idé om hvordan vi kan styrke samarbeidet mellom Sverige og Norge? Ser du på grensen som en ressurs? Har du bærekraft som rettesnor? Da er du velkommen til å sende inn din søknad til Interreg Sverige-Norge. Utlysningen er åpen 15. januar – 15. februar for søknader innenfor alle fire prioriteringer: Her får…

BSR: Thematic webinar

Join us for a thematic webinar! Virtual event All you need to know about the thematic focus of the third call for applications that will open soon Description Are you passionate about shaping innovative societies or driving the shift towards a climate-neutral future for the Baltic Sea Region? If so, this webinar is tailor-made for…

Østersjøprogrammet – Utlysning åpen

INNOVATIVE SOCIETIES & CLIMATE-NEUTRAL SOCIETIES Apply now! Do you have a smart project idea how to bring in innovative and/or and climate-neutral solutions for the benefit of people around the Baltic Sea? Do you want to develop and apply your solutions transnationally in regions around the Baltic Sea? Would you like to show how the…

BSR: Good quality projects

Webinar on good quality projects (shaping content and planning finances) Virtual event Get all info you need & apply for funding soon! Description The webinar on good quality projects is divided into two parts: shaping content & planning finances: you can attend both parts or only one of them. Read the description below and make…

NPA: Fjerde utlysning åpen

The Interreg NPA 2021-2027 Fourth Call for main project applications is open from 11th October 2023 to 2nd February 2024 12:00 CET (noon). All applicants should read the 4th Call for projects Terms of Reference. The 4th Call for projects opens for all three Priorities. Besides main projects in priority 1 and 2, Interreg NPA is looking forward to…

Beyond Borders Breakfast Debate

We are excited to invite you to the first Beyond Borders Breakfast Debate webinar of the year. Join us for an insightful discussion focused on:  🎯 How can cross-border risk & crisis management enhance EU resilience? 📅 15th February 2024, 10:00-11:00 CET    💻 Online, TEAMS, REGISTER NOW We will delve into the DG REGIO’s latest report, ‘Strengthening the…