Østersjø: Små prosjekter
Small projects INNOVATIVE, WATERS-SMART & CLIMATE-NEUTRAL SOCIETIES Small projects aim at facilitating easier access to the Programme, in particular for those partners that have not previously participated in the Programme. Applying for a small project and implementing a small project is much simpler when compared to the core projects. For example, the budget of a small project is…
Østersjø: Hovedprosjekter
Core projects INNOVATIVE, WATERS-SMART & CLIMATE-NEUTRAL SOCIETIES Core projects are the main tool to deliver the change Interreg Baltic Sea Region aims at. All core projects are requested to prepare, pilot and transfer practical and durable solutions to the challenges they choose to tackle. These challenges must correspond to one of the Programme objectives within the priorities…
ESPON: åpen utlysning – målrettede analyser
Open invitation to submit proposals for Targeted Analyses Policy makers may sometimes think that their territorial peculiarities prevent them from benefitting from the experience of others, facing similar challenges in different countries or different territorial and political contexts. Comparative studies to develop evidence-based policy recommendations may not be their first priority and the process may seem overly…
URBACT: 1. utlysningsrunde åpen
The first URBACT IV call for Action Planning Networks is open Get involved! The first URBACT IV call for Action Planning Networks is open until 31 March 2023 at 15:00 CEST! The call is addressed primarily to city administrations that are willing to work with other European cities to develop and implement Integrated Action Plans…
Sverige-Norge: Ny søknadsrunde åpen
Utlysningen til Interreg Sverige-Norge er åpen mellom 15. januar og 15. februar 2023 I utlysning 3 i er alle fire prioriteringer åpne. Informasjon om hva du må tenke på før du søker finner du i prosjekthåndboken. Ta gjerne kontakt med en rådgiver i Interreg-sekretariatet for å finne ut mer. Gå til Interreg Sverige-Norge for mer…