Tema: Miljø, ressurser og kulturarv (2014-2020)


Programme for Civil Protection in the BSR.

Eco House North

Recent research has shown that there will be an increasing demand for ecological wooden houses in the future. This is due to an increased awareness about environmental matters, and stricter environmental legislation and requirements of buildings, for example in energy saving. Changes in the population structure and way of living also necessitate the development of new kinds of settlements and house types that are flexible and easy to modify for customers’ varying needs and expectations.


LOCFOOD skal bidra til å forbedre regionale strategier for utvikling av småskala matproduksjon.


Creation of Sustainable Tourism Destinations


The North Sea Cycle Route 2 – Cycling On.

BSR Haz Control

Development and institutional implementation of a transnational monitoring system for hazardous waste stream in the Baltic Region.

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