New Horizons

De har et stort antall deltakere, og er organiert i fem delprosjekter:
– Barents Forum of Strategic Cultural Planning and Policy Implementation
– Young entrepreneurs for culture and creative sector
– Museum, cultural heritage and northern identity
– X-BORDER 2013
– Sound of Barents

Norsk prosjekteier

Nordland fylkeskommune


01.02.2013 - 31.12.2014


Norsk bidrag: 56000 Kjell

Total: 3100000 €

Andre partnere

Troms fylkeskommune
Finnmark fylkeskommune
Murmansk Regional Administration Committee of Culture and Arts (Russland)
Ministry of Education Science and Culture of the Archangelsk region (Russland)
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Karelia (Russland)
Centre of Socio-cultural technologies Severomorsk (Russland)
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Murmansk (Russland)
Region Västerbotten (Sverige)
Regional Museum of Västerbotten (Sverige)
Regional Museum of Norrbotten (Sverige)
Sensus Norra Norrland (Sverige)
Haparanda Församling (Sverige)
Luleå Stift (Sverige)
Kilen Art Group (Sverige)
University of Lapland (Finland)
Arts Council of Lapland (Finland)
Arts Council of Oulu Province (Finland)
The Provincial museum of Lapland (Finland)
Pudasjärven seurakunta (Finland)
Tornion seurakunta (Finland)
Pellon seurakunta (Finland)
Oulun evankelis-luterilainen seurakuntayhtymä (Finland)
Oulun hiippakunta (Finland)
Inarin seurakunta (Finland)