BSR TransGovernance

PA 11 calls for coordination of national transport policies and actions to ensure a harmonised transnational development of the transport system. The ensured thematic focus and established links between the above initiatives helped achieve certain stage of coordination and complementarity. However, fuller integration of the approaches, which would enable better development and alignment of transport policies at various governance tiers, faces a number of challenges.

The project objective is to demonstrate how multi-level governance models, tools and approaches can contribute to a better alignment of transport policies in the BSR at various administrative levels and better incorporation of the business perspective. This is expected to increase commitment of public and private stakeholders to achieving greener and more efficient transport in the Baltic Sea Region, in line with PA 11 of the EU Baltic Sea Strategy.

The project will place particular focus on developing and testing joint planning and implementation frameworks for transport policies at such reference scales, which have witnessed a long process of cooperation across the national borders with involvement of public/private stakeholders, and/or which have gathered a vast evidence for MLG actions. These are: MACRO (overall BSR area), MESO (cross-border integration areas), CORRIDOR (transnational multimodal transport corridors) and MICRO (intermodal terminals).

Norsk prosjekteier



01.06.2012 - 01.09.2014


Norsk bidrag: 922 480 Kjell

Total: 1 865 000 €

Andre partnere

Region Skåne
Joint State Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg
Lahti Region Development LADEC LTD
Swedish Transport Administration
East-West Transport Corridor Association
Municipality of Karlshamn
Hanseatic City of Rostock
Planning Association Region Rostock
Lund University, Öresund and Network projects
Self-government of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Guldborgsund Municipality
The Latvian Transport Development and Education Association (LaTDEA)
Transport Innovation Network(Maritime Development Center of Europe)
Port of Karlshamn
Klaipeda State Seaport Authority
City of Helsinki
Tallinn Urban Planning Department
SC Lithuanian Railways
NetPort.Karlshamn AB
Foundation Baltic Development Forum