Developing Sustainable Tourism in the North Sea Region – Applying the Tourism Learning Area Concept.
The Waterfront Communities Project
Waterfront Communities – linking nine North Sea gateway cities in innovative sustainable waterfront development
The Partnership
North Sea Commission Fisheries Partnership.
Safety at Sea
Sustainable Transport Research & Devlopment Network in the North Sea Region
Sustainable Accessibility between Hinterlands and Gateways around the North Sea
Sustainable and Efficient Air Transport – Platform for Linked Analysis of the North Sea Air Transport Environment.
Save the North Sea
Save the North Sea – a project targeting change of attitudes and behavior towards marine litter in the North Sea.
Remarcc II
Network of Regional MARitime Competence Centres – A Regional Maritime Strategy for Promoting Intermodal Transport, ICT and Network Opportunities within the North Sea Region
Promotion of Bio-Energy by Marketing, Implementation and Trading in the North Sea Region