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Aurora: Utlysnig nr. 5 – 2024
9. september 2024 @ 08:00 – 7. oktober 2024 @ 17:00
Call 5, 9 September – 7 October 2024

The fifth call for project proposals of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021- 2027 will be open from 9 September until 7 October 2024. Applications will be accepted until 24:00 (CET) the 7 October. The recommendation is to submit applications during business hours, when it is possible to get support.
All Priorities and Specific Objectives will be open for project applications regarding EU-funding and Norwegian IR-funding in both sub-areas (Sápmi and Aurora).
A regular project can apply a maximum of 200 000 EUR (2 mill. NOK) from the IR-funding. So far no limit for the EU-funding in regular projects.
The last possible end date for project durations is the 31st of Dec 2028.
After a review of the so far approved projects, the programme has identified some areas that will be prioritized in order to reach the overall programme objectives in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission.
Priority Areas
Norway can take part in all priority areas.
Projects within the following areas will receive one extra point in the selection of projects:
Priority 1; Specific objective 1.1 (Smart specialization, research and innovation)
– Research and innovation activities in small and medium-sized enterprises, including networking
Priority 1; Specific objective 1.2 (Competitiveness of SMEs)
– SME business development and internationalisation, including productive investments
Priority 2; Specific objective 2.1 (Climate change adaptation)
– Water management and water resource conservation (including river basin management, specific climate change adaptation measures, reuse, leakage reduction)
Priority 2; Specific objective 2.2 Nature protection and biodiversity
– Air quality and noise reduction measures
– Protection, restoration and sustainable use of Natura 2000 sites
Priority 2; Specific objective 2.3 Sustainable mobility
– Clean urban transport infrastructure that enables the operation of zero-emission
– Digitalisation of transport when dedicated in part to greenhouse gas emissions reduction: urban transport
– Alternative fuels infrastructure
Specific note for applications within priority 2: The main focus of projects in priority 2 shall be on implementation, and not primarily research.
Aurora will support Operations of Strategic Importance.
The Programme Document defines the structure and functions of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027. The Summary of the Interreg Aurora Programme 2021-2027 is also at your disposal.
From the 15th of August, 2024, the programme provides a budget template in Excel which is optional to use as a help when creating the budget that shall be registered in Min ansökan. The budget template can be found on the webpage For project applicants.
The Steering Committees for sub-area Aurora and sub-area Sápmi will meet in January 2025 to prioritize on the project proposals.
You have the possibility to get written feedback and consultations based on a filled-in project idea form. You find the Programme Document and the template for project idea here. You must use the project idea form that is uploaded on this webpage, please note that the template is updated in January 2024.
You will have the possibility to submit the project idea template concerning Call 5 to interregaurora@lansstyrelsen.se between 12.8.2024 – 6.9.2024.
Ian Jawahir
Troms fylkeskommune
+47 474 55 357
Programansvarlig Norsk forvaltende organisasjon, Interreg Aurora
Birgitte Wohl Sem
Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet
Utredningsleder, Regionalpolitisk avdeling