Sist avholdte Kalender
URBACT: 1. utlysningsrunde åpen
The first URBACT IV call for Action Planning Networks is open Get involved! The first URBACT IV call for Action Planning Networks is open until 31 March 2023 at 15:00 CEST! The call is addressed primarily to city administrations that are willing to work with other European cities to develop and implement Integrated Action Plans…
ESPON: Entrepreneurial Regional Governance
Seminaret handler om «Entrepreneurial Regional Governance”. Offentlige/regionale myndigheter er ofte i en situasjon der de må fikse markedssviktene til fordel for innbyggerne. Seminaret vil hevde at myndighetene er i stand til å handle i forkant av markedssvikt, i stedet for å løpe etter dem. ESPON har laget seminaret Entrepreneurial Regional Governance for å beskrive disse…
Europe: samlet – innbyggere – styring
Our second call for project proposals is coming! The call will be open from 15 March to 9 June 2023. We are here to help you get started with the preparation of your next project. In November and early December, we will organise a series of thematic networking events online to share project ideas and kickstart the search for new…