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NPA/Aurora: Kunnskapsdeling i Arktis
31. januar 2023 @ 15:45 – 17:15
Sharing Arctic Knowledge – finding sustainable solutions through cooperation across borders

What can the Interreg cooperation programmes offer to Arctic communities, businesses and research?
Interreg NPA and Aurora side event
The Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic and Interreg Aurora, together with Troms and Finnmark County Council are organising a side event during the Arctic Frontiers 2023.
Description of Interreg side event
This side event will share experiences and lessons learnt how cooperation across borders can provide better possibilities for sustainable solutions in a local, regional and Arctic perspective. The programmes – Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic and Interreg Aurora highlight the importance of cooperation across borders that shares vital Arctic knowledge. How can Interreg support sustainable development and find sustainable solutions for resilient communities in the Arctic?
Emphasis on the needs of indigenous peoples, women and the youth.
Target audience
Academia, business sector, civil society, public sector and local, regional, national and international decision-makers.
Date: 31st January, 15.45-17.15
Venue: Arbeidskontoret 1 Room atClarion Edge, Tromsø
Registration code: sign up as Invited Guest and use code/coupon S3D2 to have free access to this and all side events during 31st January.