Europe: Et mer sosialt Europa

Our second call for project proposals is coming! The call will be open from 15 March to 9 June 2023.  We are here to help you get started with the preparation of your next project. In November and early December, we will organise a series of thematic networking events online to share project ideas and kickstart the search for new…

Østersjø: webinar om hovedprosjekter

Core projects - core changes for the region Are you looking to develop your project idea into a practical solution to help others solve the Region’s most pressing challenges? At our webinar, we will help you to turn your idea into a good quality core project. We will focus on defining the challenge for your…

Europe: Et grønnere Europa

Our second call for project proposals is coming! The call will be open from 15 March to 9 June 2023.  We are here to help you get started with the preparation of your next  project. In November and early December, we will organise a series of thematic networking events online to share project ideas and kickstart the search for new…

Europe: samlet – innbyggere – styring

Our second call for project proposals is coming! The call will be open from 15 March to 9 June 2023.  We are here to help you get started with the preparation of your next project. In November and early December, we will organise a series of thematic networking events online to share project ideas and kickstart the search for new…

ESPON: Entrepreneurial Regional Governance

Seminaret handler om «Entrepreneurial Regional Governance”. Offentlige/regionale myndigheter er ofte i en situasjon der de må fikse markedssviktene til fordel for innbyggerne. Seminaret vil hevde at myndighetene er i stand til å handle i forkant av markedssvikt, i stedet for å løpe etter dem. ESPON har laget seminaret Entrepreneurial Regional Governance for å beskrive disse…

URBACT: Hvorfor søke i et nøtteskall

Online info session: The call in a nutshell Get ready for the URBACT call for Action Planning Networks with our online info session on the call in a nutshell and…

URBACT: Hvordan bygge et sterkt partnerskap

Online info session: How to build a strong partnership for an Action Planning Network Join s for the second URBACT online info session on the call for Action Planning Network…

Sverige-Norge: Lær mer om sirkulær økonomi


Det kan du få vite litt mer om i et foredrag om sirkulær økonomi 20. januar 2023. Foredraget holdes på Teams mellom klokka 9 og 11. I første del av…

NPA/Aurora: Kunnskapsdeling i Arktis

Sharing Arctic Knowledge – finding sustainable solutions through cooperation across borders Interreg NPA and Aurora side event The Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic and Interreg Aurora, together with Troms and…

ESPON: ESPON week om Grønn industrialisering

ESPON week 14. - 15. juni 2023 arrangeres av Sverige som har formannskapet i EUs Råd dette halvåret. Tema for årets ESPON week er "grønn industrialisering," koplet til FNs Agenda…