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NPA: 5te Utlysning

juni 11 @ 12:00 september 30 @ 12:00

Get ready to submit your transnational cooperation project for more sustainable and resilient NPA communities & regions! The 5th Call for project applications is open from 11th June to 30th September 2024 12:00 noon CET.

Interreg NPA utlysning

Applications must be submitted before the deadline through the electronic monitoring system Jems.

The call is open for all 3 Priorities, the project requirements, terms and conditions for applying are described in the Terms of Reference. The Monitoring Committee will decide on 5th Call applications on 11th December 2024.

The programme has developed a set of supporting materials and events to guide applicants through the application process outlined in the Application Pack. Before submitting your project applications, carefully read the Terms of Reference, Guidance and Application Pack available further below in this page. UPDATE – Please note the update on the availability of funding for organisations from Non-EU Member States.

Submit your application

Applications must be submitted through the electronic monitoring system Jems, which is available on the link:


Thomas Baker

Nordland fylkeskommune

+47 951 52 901

Regionalt kontaktpunkt for Interreg Nordlig Periferi og Arktis

Interreg Nordlig Periferi og Arktis

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